These functions added to the array prototype in ES6 help us make our programming more functional and our code cleaner.
ES2018, The Latest in JavaScript
ES2018, The New Features of JavaScript. The latest standard to date offers us various enhancements such as rest/spread, asynchronous iterations, etc.
News Angular 7
New features brought by Angular version 7. Angular Material, virtual scrolling, drag & drop, the new Angular v7 documentation, and much more.
Angular: Modules and Components
Let's understand the functioning of the architecture of applications in Angular, and how modules and components relate to each other.
Angular: File structure and first component.
Structure of an Angular project generated by the CLI. Several directories and files are generated, which I'll briefly explain in this post.
Angular: First Steps
First steps into the exciting world of Angular. One of the most sought-after JavaScript frameworks by companies for creating web applications.
Front-End vs Back-End vs Full stack developer
When starting out in web development, you must choose a path to follow, you have to specialize in a specific field, since the 'web' world encompasses many diverse technologies, and it's impossible to master them all.